Friday, March 4, 2011


I guess if you are reading this blog you know or figured out that I am a kind of a left wing moon-bat type person. Truth. On the other hand I don't like granola, never wear birckenstocks, think incorporating is a valuable financial tool, and love a little hedonism once and awhile. I just think companies and governments need rules to keep them in line. I also don't like this:

  1. Nestle
  2. Nestle again.
  3. Chiquita
  4. Chiquita(United Fruit)
  5. Chiquita again
  6. Shell Oil
  7. Debeers
  8. Massy Energy
  9. The American Work Place
  10. Union Carbide

     Take a minute, peruse a few of the links, see why I don't sign on to the uncontrolled free market. I bet neither do you. So I guess the real question is how much of a moon-bat are you? This stuff isn't going away tomorrow, but it will never go away unless we try to stop it.

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