Thursday, August 11, 2011

Finally The Debt Ceiling.

So, I know everyone has been waiting with baited breath for me to comment on the debt ceiling clown show. You are all probably wondering why it took me this long to chime in. It was simple, summer is awesome, wading into a big pool of open sewage is not. The hysterics over the impending doom caused by the political wrangling over the debt ceiling exist mostly on the airwaves. Most of you have a vague feeling of unease resulting from said on air hysterics, but in general things are too abstract in theory and too hypothetical in practice for anyone to get really motivated. Oh no! our credit rating is down graded! Oh no the stock market is up, down, up, down (flip a coin)! Oh no millions are out of a job ( oh wait that's so 2008, 2001, 1988, 1980, 1974, 1969, 1960, 1949)! On no my 401K is shredded (oh wait that's so 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1998, 1997, 1992, 1989, 1987, 1980 wait a minute there were no 401s in 1980. Crap! my pension was shredded too!)! Oh no social security is broken beyond repair (oh wait that's so 2005, 1988, 1982)! Oh no manufacturing is going over seas (oh wait that's so 1995,1994, 1984, 1976, 1964)! Oh no the price of fuel is way too high (oh wait that's so 1990,1979, 1973, 1967)! Dumb-assess!

I'm not going to get mad at Obama. Mister middle of the road is about exactly what you would expect for some one in the middle of the road...

Was that a republican bus Mr President? Hands across the aisle feels good right?
I'm not going to get mad at the teabaggers...
You let the Monkey drive, what did you expect?
You can't get mad at elected officials for doing exactly what they said they were going to do. I think the tea party is over run with stupid, fearful pawns of corporate America, but that is only my opinion. After giving president road kill almost a full 2 years to fix the economy of coarse you, I said you, had to elect a pack of morons that think oversight of bankers and corporate boards is a sin against freedom. That raising taxes to raise revenue is a sin against freedom. That think free markets cure all ills. That think it would have been swell to live in the utopian year 1910.
Lucy!...who's wrecking the economy!

I'm not even going to get mad at hard working white people that do all the paying for spend thrift seniors, lazy welfare cheats ( are they black people? quick close your eyes... what do you see? Your minds eye must be right, right?), illegal aliens ( are they  hispanic people? quick close your eyes... what do you see? Your minds eye must be right, right?) Free abortions ( are they white trash, hispanic, black girls that live on welfare with their blood sucking grandma? quick close your eyes... what do you see? Your minds eye must be right, right? (the entire previous paragraph was sarcasm. I do not believe any of those things and I think you are a despicable moron if you do.)

The enemy of the economy is...
People that expect the social security they were promised.
Lazy workers that aren't as industrious as the Chinese+Indians
Pushy seniors that don't want to die in pain.
Shut up, Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! ...and thats the main stream media and the liberal talk shows throwing those groups under the bus. Giving rise to the complete misconception that the manufactured problems with those groups and the debt ceiling are so totally and permanently entwined that raising one without slashing the other would be irresponsible at best and likely criminal in the end.

For two weeks now we have heard endless drivel about the debt ceiling. Why is it bad? Because we have already spent the money. If we don't borrow we default. Screw you world we're not paying! Of coarse that's bad. Duh! Well we raised the ceiling and got down graded anyway. Of coarse we did. We just played chicken with the entire worlds economy. Screw you teabaggers, maybe your intentions are pure, but you have no right to force people to walk through the fire with you as an experiment. The stock market is fluctuating madly Oh my God! Oh my God! Stocks are for long term investors that have the money and time to wait out crisis. That is not you or your puny 401K dumb-ass! If you know how to count cards you can turn the odds at a black jack table in your favor, but you better have 30 or 40 thousand dollars to carry you until the inevitable odds advantage works for you. There are no such odds working in the stock market. Finally I would like to point out that Standard and Poor, the rating agency that just downgraded us, is the same agency that rated the credit default swaps that crashed the real estate markets a Triple A investment. Why do we listen to these people? Why do they run our lives?
Oh yeah, they have the guns.

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