Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Circus.

Trump dropped out of the presidential race yesterday. In his interview he made it clear that he would have so definitely won if he had stayed in but he had more important things to do. Gingrich decided he is going to run because nothing says family values like a thrice divorced pig that spent the last 7 years of his 2nd marriage getting hummers from his future 3rd ex-wife. Ron Paul is in, which should be a great thing if you are a libertarian but a bad thing if you are against slavery. I'm not being fair though, Mr Paul isn't in favor of slavery, he just had a problem with Lincoln trying to make it illegal. (this is true). Mitt Romney is still running even though he belongs to a party that thinks Mormon begins with an M just like Muslim so neither of them qualify as christian. If he really wanted to win he would have embraced Romney care, run as a democrat and given all the people that don't think they're racist a centrist white guy to vote for.

Then of course there is Fox News. Seems less than 2 weeks after capping Osama (why do folks that don't trust the government want the government to go around executing people? How could that possibly go wrong?), proving he was the baddest dude in the hood, Obama invited the rapper "Common" to the White House, there by completely trashing decorum, decency, and America. Check out the Daily Shows take down of the noise machine.
I don't know what Sarah Palin was doing this week, but do you every see her and Snookie in the same photo? The only difference between the 2 is one is thinking of running for president and one is orange. With The Donald, and therefore NYC,  out of the running Snookie, or Sarah whichever finishes a whole newspaper first, could totally become president, or win Dancing with the Stars, whichever is more important to the American people in 2012. I'm not even going to mention Michelle Buchmann. Oops, I just did. What a circus.
Look! It's republican national headquarters.
I insult circuses though. I took my brothers kids to the circus this Sunday. It was awesome. People contorting themselves into bizarre positions, using illusion and misdirection to please the masses and conning us while making us part of the con. If you're in on the con what could possibly go wrong? Tell that to the parents that just shelled out $12 for a glow stick. Tell that to the people that displease our government and get shot in the face. Tell that to the people that would have to live with any of the pinheads I've mentioned in this post becoming president. Tell that to the lefties that wanted universal health care, an end to torture, handcuffs for banker robbers, wars to be over, an energy plan that doesn't involve drilling in ANWAR... I'm going to shut up now. I almost forgot I was supposed to be only ripping republicans in this post. Sorry.

Being in on the con does not make you safe or comfortable. It makes you a con artist. Supporting a con artist because he is part of your team, or because he pulled off a cool cowboy, stunt doesn't make you a winner. It makes you a fool.

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