Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Downhill Part 3

I know Mondays post was a disappointment. I figured that the conservatives were so loud about who sucks that they would also know who doesn't. Boy was I wrong. By using their definition of who makes this country great we managed to cross 8 people off our list of suspects, but that leaves over 300,000,000 people who could be destroying America to sort through. Damn! We'll all be bowing to our Chinese masters by the time I sort this out. Maybe with a heroic... that's the ticket! Heros can't possibly be ruining the country. A quick nexus search for heros should clear this up.

Oops! That one is from my porn stash (what? pictures of women would be exploitive). No, I am talking about real American heros. The kind of folks that are the backbone of this great country. You know the media talks about them all the time, it's just a matter of...

Sorry, now I've got myself into Rush Limbaugh's porn stash. Darn you people and your need for colorful pictures. I thought this was going to be easier. I mean think about it, you turn on the news and all you ever hear is about American heros. Cops, firemen, teachers, union members, soldiers, pro athletes, doctors, nurses, why the list goes on and on. Just having the title is often shorthand for "hero". Now who am I to argue with the hard working members of the mainstream media. I'm sure they know a hero when they need spoonable imagery for their stories, or their news pieces. So...

I give up. I'm going with Cops, firemen, teachers, union members, soldiers, pro athletes, doctors and nurses. I'm getting some traction though. That puts a whole mess of people in the clear.  Tomorrow I'll check in with the Republicans ( What? you thought they were the same thing as conservatives? Ha!)

Easter is still coming on fast so maybe you'd like a non-lethal side dish to go with the twice baked potatoes. Well nothing says spring like fresh asparagus. It's the first fresh local produce you get in the northeast.

Now so far our Easter dinner has been simple and there is no need to change things up now. We already have the oven at 425 for the lamb. The potatoes were made ahead and only need to be heated while the lamb rests, so we might as well take advantage of the fact that the oven has 2 shelves.

  1. Take one stalk of asparagus, grab it at each end, then bend it until it snaps. That's the spot where the woody stem parts with the tender goodness. Use the snapped one as a guide by lining up the tips then take a knife and pare down the rest.
  2. Mix the cleaned asparagus with good olive oil. Spread on a sheet pan.
  3. Salt liberally.
  4. Once the lamb is out of the oven slide these bad boys in.
  5. 20 minutes, shake them up.
  6. 20 minutes more.
  7. Hit them with a little melted butter, Mmm! butter, a grind of pepper, and a little parmesan cheese.
  8. Serve.

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