Wednesday, October 12, 2011

100 Posts!

So it looks like I am going to live to blog again. When I started doing this I actually thought that my shining intellect, quick wit, and impeccable culinary skills would soon make me a web sensation. Instead I am only 2,534,276, page reads from being as popular as "Kitten Falls Off of TV". That's alright. I was a Red Sox fan from 1966 to 2002. It made me smart enough to know that failing is what mostly happens, but it makes winning once in a while all the sweeter. Besides, I have to keep doing this blog, it gives me a way to vent.
Angry goofy people in funny clothes. Where have I seen that before...?
Is everyone in America a self absorbed tool?
When people in other countries protest they come armed for bear, because they want to rip the roof off that sucker. Mubarak, he's got to go! Chinese government screw your tanks! Gaddafi you're a dead man! Life and death hangs in the balance and real change means maybe the collapse of the whole political system. In the USA vaguely disappointed people fuss because things aren't going exactly as they envisioned them. The media shows up, finds the dumbest most narcissistic buffoon in the crowd, makes them the spokes-person for the whole movement, and pretty soon we are listening to a teenager dressed as a sea turtle or an old timer dressed like Paul Revere explaining Macro Economics. Better still the teen and the old timer are mad about the same things but are enemies to each other because... well, because they're stupid.

The NRA has it right. Start writing letters. Start sending e-mails. Then back it up with your vote. We want congress to regulate derivatives. We want our money that was invested in the TARP to be invested in American jobs. We want you to go in a room and not come out until everyone has affordable health care. We want Larocco to shut up about politics and do more recipes. Protests and sit-ins are perfect for single issue fights. 8 Hour day! End the War! Not for fighting a vague malaise about the direction the country is taking.

I would like to point out that while all the occupy Wall Street stuff was going down Obama executed an American citizen who had never been convicted of anything with a drone strike in a neutral foreign country. We go where we want and we kill who we want just because. OK, he was a bad man, but do you really want the president to have that power? All you small government right wingers?...anybody? How about you lefties that called Bush a Fascist?...Hello?

The people in charge are laughing at us and nothing anybody has done this week changes that.

I'm not some kind of to pure for the real world dreamer either. I'll be working for Elizabeth Warren this election cycle, even though she was picked and paid for by the White House and the DNC to get Kennedy's seat back from Scott Brown. Can't leave things up to the natives can we? The MA tribe has always been good for democrats...well until recently. Even when I like a candidate I don't want other people picking them for me, but liking something and making it work are two different things.

This is kind of a weak post, but hey, I've been sick. Next week, Apples! Until then I've picked out a few posts that I liked. Here they are...

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