Tuesday, January 25, 2011

No Politics Today

No politics today. Y'all need to pay better attention, that's why the blog, but seriously look too hard and all you'll see is a barrel full of weasels ripping each other for the chance to be the Weasel King. Life is too enjoyable to spend every day that way so instead I bring you... Bacon! Melted Cheese! Gravy! and of course Butter!

Why? Because eating is one of the great pleasures this life has to offer and the 4 aforementioned basics will make almost anything taste better. Seriously, we will save the last member of the big 5, Whipped Cream, for a dessert post, or a sex post, depending on which I think of first, but my big 4 will make anything you cook taste better, with the added bonus of covering up for things you have wreaked. Actually, mix the 4 of them together, dump onto french fries, and you have Poutine, the main reason Canadians need universal health care.

Go to a book store. What do you see? Thousands of cook books full of recipes. Go on line. Browse food. What do you see? Thousands of web sites each sporting thousands of recipes. Well guess what? Good food is all about cooking knowledge, not recipe knowledge. It's about having a cast iron skillet, a sharp knife, and a good idea of what tastes good. Fat tastes good and it makes other things taste good. Mmmm fat!

Want the recipe? You don't need the recipe because there is nothing going on here that you can't figure out on your own. Weave the bacon, it will stay on the other meat better than loose individual strips. Use thick cut bacon, it will be easier to weave. Add a second meaty layer, all bets are off here. Go with whatever tickles your fancy ( and you know how much fun it is to have your fancy tickled). Roll it up.
 Recipes are never thorough enough to  tell you to put that meat bomb seam side down on top of a rack in a sheet pan. Leave out the rack and that greasy bugger is going to steam in it's own juices, then stew in it's own grease. Yuk. Recipes are only as good as your skill level and your cookware.

We're cooking this way from now on. Well except for baking, baking is facsist. Write your own recipes when you're done cooking so you can remember how to do it again.  Oh yeah, you tell me that bacon bomb wouldn't be better with melted cheese and gravy and I'll tell you you're a liar. I'll have poutine with that please.

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