Remember this one? Most of you probably don't. Pity, it was good stuff, good stuff that is over 40 years old. Sixties were just over, the liberals were in charge, this little bit of film pretty much captured the spirit of the day. Oh yeah, nobody was going to screw with us. Repressive rules and old school Tools were all done, they just didn't know it yet.
Remember this one? It's 23 years later. The Reagan revolution has come and gone. Billy C did a dixie on gays in the military and Hillary's health care bill was dead on arrival. The "Contract With America" was fomenting in Newt's Id. You still couldn't get breakfast though. Not even with a machine gun.
Wow, I have another 17 years under my belt (and it's a much, much, bigger belt). Still can't get decent home-fries though. Don't even get me going on the hash browns. More importantly don't get me going on breakfast. Actually do let's get going on breakfast, let's talk, let's argue, let's hash (pardon the pun) it out, lets try to make breakfast the greasy, bacon drenched, syrup covered, neighbor meeting, news talking, community building, public spectacle it was always meant to be. We can work on truth, justice, and the future while we eat.
So, Skip the fast food and forget who's in charge. Red/Blue hasn't done anything for home-fries in 40 years and all they did for social security was wreck it.
This Blog is about thinking, it's about solutions, and hopefully tasty dining tips. I've voted democrat all my life. I've eaten breakfast all my life. That doesn't mean the democrats know what they are doing, it only means they come closer to the way I think about things than the Republicans do. Big deal, my corporate lackeys are better than your corporate lackeys. It doesn't mean resturants make good home-fries. Big deal, my struggling Mom and Pop diner is better than your Micky D's. What is a big deal is what kind of movie are we going to be watching in 20 years? and how angry are we going to be.
Home Fries
Get some Potatoes/ 1 or 2 per person.
Cook them, bake/ boil I don't care, ditto skins on/off.
Refrigerate them, let the starch harden back up.
Use a 12 inch cast iron skillet.(anything else shows you are not serious)
Cook your Bacon in it. (Mmmm bacon!)
Leave some of the grease.
Make sure it's hot.
Add butter until foamy. (Mmmm butter!)
Cut up the potatoes and toss them in.
Add salt and pepper.
Fry the hell out of them until they are crispy on at least 2 sides.
Eat em, catsup is optional.
(add whatever you like before or after, onion, cheese, gravy, this is America after all)
LOVE it! although I confess way more excited about the recipe than the politics.....but it is exactly what I had envisioned it to be! MMMMMMMMM Bacon!