I guess this is revolution post part two. Revolutions, only sometimes a good thing, never a safe thing, always a deadly thing. What's up with the camel?
Of coarse you can't have a revolution without Rebels. In other places, other countries, a rebel is just a regular person who has had enough and is willing to risk everything to make things better. Even then a lot of times they don't get " better" they just get "different". Better is always out there, sometimes unrecognizable, sometimes out of reach, but worth fighting for. Different is just another word for change, and change happens all the time whether we like or not. So rebellion is not a narcissistic hissy fit by a bunch of spoiled arrested adolescence, it's unpredictable and dangerous. Unless you grab it and make it a lifestyle.
I wonder if the founding fathers had a cool hand shake and a hip attitude? Those darn 50's, quiet, safe, repressive, how could you not rebel? and if everyone was into it how could corporations not co-op the images for a profit. Of coarse there was real stuff to rage against. Civil rights and the Vietnam war were an actual call to arms... so why do we just remember this guy?
Pretty cool huh? Rebellion as pick-up method. Nothing says Fight the Power like ruining a dinner party to impress the hot girl! Putz! Of coarse once you start making something into a commodity you might as go all in.
Go back to the video from Egypt. Are you thinking sneakers when you watch it? How about diner parties? Harmonica playing? Hot girls? Maybe it's a good thing to make rebellion into a pose instead of a last resort. Then you can run things any way you want. No need for police or bloodshed. Anyway, in this country at least, we have pretty much pulled all the teeth on that wild dog.
Bankers, Politicians, CEO's... life is better for all of them when being a rebel is a lifestyle instead of your life. Doesn't matter what came first, or who shed blood, as long as your music video makes you a boat load of money or your clothing line gets you venture capital.
Good song, it could be a mantra to live by, or the reason you threw your coleslaw in the lunch room. I'm pretty sure you all know which one we embraced. But the economy is in the hopper for working people, even if you don't like Obama's healthcare reform you know we need healthcare reform, and are we really going to let the banks keep doing what they did for the last decade? We don't need a rebellion, but ten years into the new century with all it's turmoil and need for change do we really need this guy?
Will Egypt go our way,three is no way of knowing, but change is definitely going to come. Will change come to America? there is no way of knowing, but we don't need a clown faux revolution, nor do we need to be Egypt. None of our leaders, none, is like Mubarak, and if one of them was, our system would not tolerate them for long.
All we need to do is stop being rebel posers, roll up our sleeves, and get to work.
No recipe today. Heat up some of yesterdays chowder, add a grilled cheese sandwich (buttered Wonder Bread, kraft singles, hot cast iron skillet, go!), and a ginger ale. That's why we are clown rebels. Fat, dumb, and happy don't do revolution.
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